The Quality Policy of Prompts Technological Services Limited is to secure continued profitable growth by providing a consistently high level of environmental services including Environmental restoration services, Environmental impact assessment. Waste management services and Facility maintenance services.

The top management of Prompts Technological Services Ltd. is committed to:

  • Satisfying all relevant International and National requirements by ensuring that clients and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements are determined, understood and consistently met.
  • The continual improvement of the QMS by ensuring the risks and opportunities that can affect conformity of products and services and the ability to enhance customer satisfaction are determined and addressed.
  • Ensuring the focus on enhancing customer satisfaction is maintained.
Prompts Technological Services Ltd (PTSL) is also committed to the continual improvement of the quality management system and its performance through involvement with its relevant interested parties and monitoring of their needs and expectations. To assist with the above, we have implemented a Management System that meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.

This policy provides a framework for setting and reviewing the process-based quality objectives, with performance indicators monitored / evaluated monthly, and maintained as part of the ‘monitoring, measurement & analysis’ and ‘continual improvement’ processes. These objectives will also address conformity to PTSL products & services stated above, legal requirements and clients’ satisfaction.

This policy will be communicated to all employees, understood and applied within Prompts Technological Services Ltd. All employees, whether permanent or on-contract are expected to co-operate and assist in the implementation of this policy, whilst ensuring that their own work, as far as is reasonably practicable, is carried out without risk to themselves, others, or the environment. This policy will be reviewed annually by top management and where / when necessary, will be amended and re-issued. Previous versions of the policy are archived and current versions are always available to all relevant interested parties via the company’s website, company profile and office boards.